B.O.L.D. Men is a group to help other men find real freedom from sexual bondage. To truly find freedom from this addiction men must have a willing heart and allow themselves to be held accountable during the process.

B.O.L.D. Brothers Overcoming Lustful Desires

  1. Find freedom and not to allow the enemy to minimize this addiction.

  2. Be discipled to develop a true relationship with Jesus and learn how to lead spiritually.

  3. Go disciple others. FREE MEN, FREE MEN

James 5:16 "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed..."

Hebrews 10:25 "Not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another…"

Hebrews 3:12-13 "Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called "today", that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin"

B.O.L.D. group welcomes all men dealing with a sexual stronghold. Men tend to think that pornography is limited to looking at sexually explicit images on the phone, computer, or TV. That's not the case! Pornography is where the thoughts wander in the mind. A man must be able to control his thoughts as 2 Cor. 10:5 tells us to take EVERY thought captive to the obedience of Christ!  Although we believe the power of the Holy Spirit can deliver any man instantly from porn addiction, the man must walk in that deliverance and has the free will to walk out of that deliverance as well.

There is a process to gain freedom and the process starts with breaking off the outer shell of a man to get to the root problem (lust). Pride and selfishness are generally the two main outer shells that must be eliminated. The freedom process takes 1 to 5 years to truly be set free! At B.O.L.D. we show men where science is just now catching up with the Bible about sexual addictions.


B.O.L.D. has several accountability options to help men who are seriously done with this addiction. Here are just a few steps to get started.

1) Join a B.O.L.D. group. Being committed to just showing up is half the battle. A lot of men will join and find the temporary freedom, then leave only to return a few months later.  A man must understand God first and foremost, then understand the addiction and this doesn’t happen in just a couple months. Studies show that this is a two to five year process, but don’t get discouraged. This can be done!!!!!

2) Get connected with an accountability partner in the B.O.L.D. group. You can not do this alone!!

3)  Install accountability apps on your phone and computer. We will show you how to do this.

4) Daily group check in’s. You will be put in a group with a leader and about 4 to 5 other men. In this daily group text you have three options to text every morning. These groups will change monthly so nobody becomes complacent. This is what the text look like:

A. Text “Clear”. Texting clear means that you have spent the last 24 hours porn free.

B. The hand emoji. Using the hand emoji means that you had a set back, but this is not to cause guilt or shame but rather bring the sin to the light. We want you to raise the hand and know that you are a mighty overcomer, and more than a conquer. When a man raises a hand it signifies “I will be strong in Jesus today and I know I’m set free and victorious”.

C. The praying hands emoji. This means that you are struggling with temptations and need prayer.

And of course there is encouragement with scripture and just talking about real life in these groups.

5) Obedience to the Word of God.

These few options may seem kind of extreme, especially if you are a private person, but there can not be secret sins that you continually go back to. If you are serious about freedom through Jesus Christ, now is the time to contact us.

Helpful Resources

Covenant Eyes

-Covenant Eyes is an online resource to overcome porn by building a community of accountability around your web browsing usage.


-groupme is a group chat service that Bold Men uses to encourage each other, pray for support, and confess about struggles in a private supportive environment.


-Life360 is a GPS service that shares your phone's location with family and accountability partners.